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Truth, Authenticity, and … Public Relations?

PR gets a bad rap. Yeah, we said it. We know it. But that doesn’t mean it’s completely true.

Public relations representatives in the corporate world are often seen as money-hungry manipulators who put the profit of their company before what is good and right. Negative stereotypes of PR professionals abound the media — look no further than the villainous flack in your favorite Netflix drama or romcom.

To be sure, there are definitely dishonest public relations representatives. There are also dishonest CFOs, lawyers … even dishonest burger-flipping 14-year-olds. But we can confidently tell you there are just as many — if not more — honest, hardworking and transparent PR pros who push out positive content with approachability and authenticity.

As a PR agency, our focus is finding the best way to accurately and positively represent our clients to their target audience and connect wholeheartedly with that audience, regardless of the current political or economic climate. A good PR firm is a bridge builder, creating strong connections between company and consumer so the consumer truly understands the company’s story, while the company learns how best to serve the consumer.

Building that bridge, however, is more than just press releases, sound bites and story pitches. It begins with critical foundational work we do with our clients during our Brand Platform development process.

A Brand Platform encompasses the key components of what the brand stands for and literally stands on. It is the foundation and measurement for all marketing, advertising and PR campaigns, and the very first step we take when we agree to represent a company. After all, to best represent your company, we have to know your company! During the Brand Platform process, we identify attributes, values, cultural pillars, voice and character, not just mission and vision. We weave these elements into an emotion-evoking, customer-connecting brand story and infuse company cultural fibers into every message we release, both internal and external.

And the best way to preserve, promote and protect those identifying features of a brand is to incorporate them from top to bottom, wrapping elements into internal training materials and posting them in company break rooms for true embodiment of the brand.

At Ideality, we’ve heard all the PR stereotypes. But the truth is public relations can be a powerful tool for fostering real connections between companies and their audiences. By developing a strong Brand Platform reflecting a company’s values and culture, we are able to craft compelling narratives which resonate with consumers on a deeper level. If your company is ready to build a bridge to customers through better branding and authentic storytelling, contact Ideality to get started with Brand Platform development.

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